Selected Works

SCISTO (LIVE) Album (48min.) - link
Self released live album
@ web, January 31st

ABITUALI-FREQUENZE Interactive audio-video installation
Real-time visualization of music generated from the sounds of the city of Rome
with Impact Art and Impact Hub Rome, into the Rome Art Week 2024
@ Impact Hub, Rome, October 25-27

BOLLE SONORE Call for sound recordings - link
with Impact Art and Impact Hub Rome, in the role of co-creator and curator
@ web, Rome, September 9-30

L’ORECCHIO DI PAN Mobile vascular sculpture for sound mapping territories - link
“The Pan’s ear” by Martino Cappai in collaboration with Fabio Talloru.
A tribute to the god Pan, protector of forests, mountains and flocks.
The ceramic sculpture has the function of both capturing and reproducing sound; it is an ear that hears but also remembers.
@ Coru Aresti festival, Sorgono, September 1st

UMBRATILE. CANTICA Theatrical residency & production - link
with Monica Serra for Micro Fratture Teatro, in the role of Scientific Consultant, Composer and Live performer (music)
@ Fuorimargine, Sa Manifattura, Cagliari, August 19-25

APOFENIA SEDIMENTARIA Artwork installation - link
On the similitude between traces generated by the black organic pygment production processes and the morphology of the Dolomites. Multi-layered stratigraphy made of glass panels, ink, charcoal powder
into the collective exhibition Le Fogge delle Rocce by Dolomiti Contemporanee.
@ Nuovo Spazio di Casso, Casso, July 27 - December 31

ABSTRACTING NATURE Quadraphonic sound installation (23min. loop) - link
A Duo exhbition - the immersive soundscape, based on first-hand field records and samples, dialogues with and complements the visual works experience - with Cesare Rosa (photography and video)
@ Terminus Digital Art studio, Milan, June 21-23

MUSICA DE IS BROCCASA Audio live performance (25min. ca.) - link
Liveset made using audio samples recorded at Milis, of water fountains, water prings and water jugs of terracotta,
in Nocefresca openstudio.
@ Casa Bagnolo, Milis, April 9th

PRETESA DI UN EVENTO Audio-Video installation (16min. loop) - link
Video projection and sound ambience focused on the ability to perceive the small and spontaneous natural phenomena as “events”,
in Nocefresca openstudio.
@ Casa Bagnolo, Milis, April 9th

NOCEFRESCA - MITZA Art residency - link
into the year program theme “The Water Journey”
@ Milis, March 27th - April 11th

L’ARIDITA’ CHE AVANZA (Arid) Audio-Video performance (1min. ca.) - link
Meditation on the “barrenness” as result of abuse of media contents
@ web, Vimeo, January 1st

CANNONE, PUNTA, PROPAGA Sound performance (3hr. ca.) - link
Practice of intermittent transmission of sonic pulses - with Simone Cametti
@ Casa  Cametti, Ex Villaggio ENI, Borca di Cadore, October 29th

ACUSMATOPIE 1991+2 Audio live Suite (45min.) - link
On sound stimulation in architectural dialogue.
@ Gellner Cinema, Ex Villaggio ENI, Borca di Cadore, October 28th

SALE CALANTE Live Sound scoring (18m) - link
On the mineralogical landscape of the Geological museum of Mexico City - video by Caterina Erica Shanta
@ Dormitori MF, Ex  Villaggio ENI, Borca di Cadore, October 27th

G.N. Audio-Video Short Opera  (6min. loop)
On the social significance of the bell ringer, in collaboration with Pierfrancesco Carta
produced by Fabio Talloru and funded by Pro Loco Meana Sardo
@ not distributed, July-October

DYNAMIS >  ENERGHEIA Audio-Video Live Suite (30min.), Talk - link1 , link2
Artistic residency (3 days) on the interaction between sound-vibration-matter
@ Padiglione  Tavolara, Sassari, May 11-13

SCISTO EP (37min.) - link
released on Wild Drone Music
@ web release, April 13th

HABITANS Audio-Video Live (45min.)
on the interaction between sound, vibration and microorganisms
@ traveling performance, October / ongoing

PIROCLASTICO #2 Two-dimensional visual artwork - link
Charcoal powder and graphite on paper
in the collective exhibition “Who Killed Bambi?” by Dolomiti Contemporanee
@ Nuovo Spazio di  Casso, Casso, 2022/2023

CRONACHE DI POLVERE Audio Live Suite (90min.)
on mining landscape and miners
@ traveling performance, July 2022 / ongoing

#SEXUALISEHERBS Immersive audio experience (3min.) - link
Audio course in Tasting Menu, for Immorale Osè Fuorisalone 2022
@ Immorale Osè, Milan, June 7-14

TRA ZERO E UNO, TRAVOLTI DA UNA SERIE DI EVENTI CON PROBABILE LIETO FINE Sountracks for a medium-length film- link by Fotoromanzo Italiano and Federica Chiocchetti at Lunigiana Land Art  Festival 2022
@ Teatro Quartieri, Bagnone, June 2nd

with Fabio Piccioni
@ Miniere di Rosas, Narcao, May 27-29

AMBIENTE Audio Live Suite (90min.) - link
on the interaction Nature-Human and Human-Nature, for Venice Meeting Point,
exhibition De Rerum Natura, opening of the 59th Biennale Arte di Venezia
@ Circolo Ufficiali della Marina Militare, Venice, April 20-21

REBUILD Audio Live (30min.) - link
on the rail vehicles of the Milan underground, for Unit radio show
@ Radio Raheem, Milano, February 16th

BUON ANNO NUOVO Soundtrack for video animation (30sec.) - link
Video by Tonino Casula
@ web, YouTube, December

SOUNDS FOR A RESTARTING NATURE Suite, Audio Live (75min.) - link
About the forest regeneration of Montiferru
@ traveling performance, September 2021/2022

SERADIERI EP (26min.) - link
released on Taste Rec.
@ web release, Milano, October

CORU ARESTI Independent Festival (annual) - link
in the role of founder and artistic director
@ Sardegna, various locations, September 2021/ ongoing

LOIPOCENE Project, itinerant Studio
on a new non-anthropocentric reading of the landscape, with Fabio Piccioni
@ Sardegna, July 2021/ ongoing

FIAMMATE, CALDO E TRASPARENTI SUONI VITREI Audio installation (16min. loop) - link on the acoustic environment of the glass production furnaces in Murano, for 6:AM Glassworks Fuorisalone 2021
@ 6:AM Studio, Milano, April

ACUSMATOPIE 1991 Suite, Audio Live (45min.)
on sound stimulation and architectural acoustics as a ‘physiotherapeutic’ method
for the physical structure of the architectural complex Colonia
@ Ex Villaggio ENI, Borca di Cadore, October 2020/2021

UMBRATILE. CANTICA Audio Live for Theatrical performancewith Monica Serra for Micro Fratture Teatro, in the role of Scientific Consultant, Composer
@ traveling performance, December 2020/ongoing

S’ORU – L’ARGINE Audio-Video installation (9min. loop)on the Liquid Forces in the town of Santu Lussurgiu, as part of the collective exhibition Nostos NumeroUno by Transhumanza
@ Santu Lussurgiu, February 21-25

STUDIO CAMPIONE Project, Studio - linkMultidisciplinary studio for artistic and artisanal research and production, in the role of founder and researcher,
in Progettoborca by Dolomiti Contemporanee
@ Ex Villaggio ENI,  Borca di Cadore, June 2020/ongoing

DALLA PARTE DI CHI E’ PERCHE’ NON HA Soundtrack for video animation (4min.) - link
Abstract Cortronico by Tonino Casula
@ web, YouTube, August 6th

IL MIO INIZIO E’ LA TUA FINE Soundtrack for video animation (4min.)
for the Drinchendrò collective
@ spazio ON/OFF, Milano, May 18th

CONTATTO PHOTOZINE #1 RUMORE Printed photographic publication
5 analog photographs printed on paper, under the alias ‘sumundupau’, for Contatto
@ Cagliari, 2019

--no-title-- A/V Performance (120min.) - linkvideo footage shot on action camera + software and video patch + music, with Marcello Cualbu alias Mantaraffu,
“In curvatura” openstudio 2018 Progettoborca
@ Ex Villaggio ENI, Borca di Cadore, October

DA CONSUMARE PREFERIBILMENTE A PIEDI NUDI Soundtrack for video animation (4min.) - link
Abstract Cortronico by Tonino Casula
@ web, YouTube, November 9th

EBBENE SI ERA UNA NOTTE BUIA E TEMPESTOSA Sountrack for video animation (4min.) - link
Abstract Cortronico by Tonino Casula
@ web, YouTube, May 17th

THE STATE OF NOTHING Live sound scoring (20min.) - link
by Drinchendrò collective
@ Unza Lab, Milano, 2018